ElS-Collect is an interoperable cloud-based data collection platform interfacing with different meters and data concentrator (DCU) through various communication channels (GPRS/3G/4G/PSTN/Ethernet, etc.), supporting plenty of metering and industrial protocols (DLMS COSEM, IDIS, IEC62056-11, Modbus, DNP3,…).
Utilizing web-based platform and CIM standard (IEC61968/IEC61970) protect utilities against any service monopoly, providing a secure channel to fully interact with different 3rd party applications including but not limited to Billing, Vending, FDM, DMS, OMS, CIS, EMS, etc.
ElS-Collect has a modular and flexible structure to be installed on any of Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL databases which guarantees supporting of million meters as well as new standard functions that can be integrated with HES database servers or just transfer collected data to other applications for further processing. Its cloud-based design lets utilities install ElS-Collect in central station and give access to different users anywhere and without any installation requirement to remote monitor and control metering nodes securely and easily.
ElS-Collect supports variety of world-class functions which can be customized through its modular design and customer requirements.
EIS-Manage is an intelligent SOA based data management and analyzing platform, capable to deal with millions of data, rapidly generate different analytics and reports. EIS-Manage is also designed modular and cloud-based empowering utilities effectively reduce overall costs of client/server installation method. Protecting valuable information, EIS-Manage can be integrated with several databases as the main servers and multi-layer backup database servers which all continually communicating with each other, providing a well secured and synchronized information. EIS-Manage supports CIM standard (IEC61968/IEC61970) to easily interact with other HES and 3rd party systems.
This Meter Data Management (MDM) platform has variety of applicable modules to deal with big challenges of utilities like energy loss, asset management and transformer monitoring system. All these conceptual analytics together assist utilities precisely protect their revenue and assets, planning for a reliable distribution network and effectively increase customer satisfaction. EIS-Manage supports various standard and reliable data bases like Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, … Providing advanced customizable reporting engine, standard GPS modules and user-friendly web-based customer service platform.
EIS-Manage as a stand-alone system or integrated with HES, supports different services through its modular structure.
Supporting prepaid customers with a multi-functional vending system is the need of utility companies which are approaching smart prepayment metering, providing fast and reliable bidirectional services to all utilities, vending channels and end-user customers.
ElS-Vend is an interoperable cloud-based vending system, supports STS and CTS standards (IEC62055) to interact with other Head-End Systems and/or Meter Data Management, providing a secure token and vending channel management services. Keep tracking of all customers, transactions and tokens is an important matter when vending system deals with millions of requests in a short time and several on-line vending channels as well as Individual Head-End Systems that are requesting bunch of historical data.
ElS-Vend supports various vending channels(POS,Mobile,ATM,web services,CDU,etc.) to maximize customer satisfaction by an easy,fast and 24/7 vending service as well as facilitating utilites daily challenges. This multi-vendor vending system can easily and securely expand its footprint as all customers have access to their accounts to easily purchase energy anywhere,anytime.