Energy Storage Manufacturers - China Energy Storage Suppliers & Factory

  • Power-Key


    High Safety:Precise monitoring and quick response Atomizing agent +Water Dual Mode fire extinguishing system

    High Flexibility:Modular design,flexible configuration,support multiple cabinets deployment and connection

    High Efficiency: Maximum roundtrip efficiency 90%

    Long Life: 10 years /6000 cycles

    Low Operation Cost:Digital-twin based platform enable real-time monitoring,remote control and failure diagnosis,significantly reduce O&M costs

  • Energy Storage Container

    Energy Storage Container

    High Safety: Efficient and reliable liquid cooling system, using up-to-date LFP battery, equipped with multiple intelligent fire extinguishing system to ensure safe operation

    High-Integration: Compact mechanized design, optimized space utilization to support higher density and efficiency

    Intelligent: Equip with data monitoring platform, support remote observation of product status, real-time failure detection and alarming

    Easy O&M: Modularize design and  installation to support  easy O&M, self-diagnosis function to reduce on-site manpower for O&M

  • Battery Pack

    Battery Pack

    Extremely simplified module design based on CTP concept

    The design of leak-proof liquid to guarantee best performance of heat management,automotive grade cooling plate

    Easy-access MSD Interface panel to guarantee best electrical safety (safer installation,safer maintenance,safer operation and maintenance)

  • Battery Rack/Cabin

    Battery Rack/Cabin

    High energy density:60%higher than 1000V system

    High efficiency:High battery side efficiency and cooling efficiency

    Low cost:Lower LCOS

    Flexible:Support multiple AC/DC coupling